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Retrofit & Service

Complete Service for the Best Outcome

Being a global expert in filament winding with over 60 years of trusted service and installing more than 900 filament winders, Engineering Technology Corp. has always been a leader in retrofit, upgrade, and maintenance services for its machinery as well as for equipment of other brands.

Customer and machine service is the cornerstone of our business. In the majority of cases, the mechanical componentry of our machinery far outlives the electronics that operate it. This means there are several pieces of equipment in the field operating with control systems from as far back as the ’80s.

A large part of the company’s business is the retrofit of aging equipment with new control systems, motors, drives, and other electronics; not only on ETC’s machinery but also on other OEMs. Aging or new, filament winders or any other CNC machinery of any brand; Engineering Technology Corp. will service or retrofit it.

Engineering Technology Corp. continually works to stay ahead of customers’ technological and performance needs, improve customer service, and help develop and grow successfully as composite part manufacturers.

Contact us, and the Engineering Technology Corp. experts will help you find the best solution for your filament winding equipment.


Winding software FiberGrafiX
Winding Software

Engineering Technology Corporation is a pioneer in computer-controlled filament winding machinery and developed the world’s first filament winding software, FiberGrafiX®, which provides a wide range of tools to create and optimize fiber paths machine motions.

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